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Τι είναι η ποιότητα Eau De Parfume!

Perfumes are available in categories based on their aromatic oil content (essence-εσάνς). The categories are as follows:

Eau Fraiche 1-2% essence
Eau de Cologne 2-4% essence
Eau de Toilette 5-14% essence
Eau de Parfum 15-20% essence
The essence content determines the intensity and duration that a perfume will have. Eau de Parfum quality offers the greatest possible duration and intensity to your perfume!

Άρωμα με ενίσχυση... σωστό ή λάθος;

We have heard the term perfume with enhancer or enhancer many times. Enhancement is the addition of extra aromatic oil (essence-you) to the perfume solution.

Why do they do the reinforcement?
The enhancement is done to increase the duration of a perfume that is usually of low quality and intensity such as eau de cologne and eau de toilette

The correct process of perfume preparation.
The aroma is a product that is subject to the process of maturation like wine! The maturation process “under specific laboratory conditions and time limit” gives the aroma the appropriate composition for its highest quality performance. Each product during the maturation process produces some residues which are then removed by the filtration process.

The error of the aid… !!
During the process of reinforcement in any store when buying a perfume the resulting solution (perfume) is of questionable content-quality where if the permissible levels in essence are exceeded-you are at risk of skin diseases, has not undergone the process of maturation and filtration , with results:

At the end of the day the smell of the perfume changes as the maturation process starts again due to the addition of you and because it can not stop, many times the aroma becomes sour… for this and the unpleasant smell on the lid of the perfume !!
The solution is not homogenized and this is why stains often appear on clothes and the feeling of oiliness on the skin after application.
During the time you wear such a perfume for the first few hours (usually 2) it has a specific smell where it then changes.
In conclusion, the enhancement process is performed in stores with low quality perfumes to increase the duration with effects on the quality and health of the skin.

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Η σωστή εφαρμογή του αρώματος

Body, clothes or hair ??

The correct answer is στα in all three as each application has its pros and cons !!

Application on the body.
Applying to the body offers a quick and intense sense of aroma due to the heat but often does not last long (as it would in a garment) as our skin sweats and has the ability to neutralize to a degree that “foreign” stays on of.

Application on clothes.
The application on the clothes gives us more duration in the perfume but it can not highlight a perfume as strongly as our body as our clothes have less heat than our body! The cooler aromas are favored by the lower temperature as they retain their acidity longer!

Application to hair.
The application on the hair gives a very good combination of intensity and duration as they do not sweat, they have enough heat near our body and enough air flow to strongly diffuse the aroma around us!


It is of no use to spray perfume in the air and pass it through… it is a pointless waste of perfume…
Do not overuse the perfume .. Remember the less many times it is more .. !!

Διασφάλιση ποιότητας

To most effectively maintain the quality of a perfume:

It should not come in direct contact with the sun’s rays.
It should not be exposed to temperatures higher than 30-35 degrees Celsius.
The perfume bottle should not be refilled unless thoroughly cleaned with appropriate materials from the store.

Mon-Fri: 9 am – 9 pmSaturday: 9 am – 3 pm
Athens: 213.043.6381Trikala: 2431.550.320

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Created by artbaze [2021]. Parfume de Paradis © | All rights reserved.

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